When I saw screenshots Cyberlords - Arcology in the Market, I immediately thought of the legendary The Chaos Engine, overcome by curiosity, I installed the game HandyGames in the free version which, with its "bannerone" - try and understand ndBuothz -, turned out to be followers of William Gibson, cyberpunk atmosphere able to recreate in an action game with RPG aspects.

Cyberlords is set in 2173, now the power of government is now in decline and the world is controlled by multinational corporations - for that matter in 2011 ndBuothz -. The only freedom left to humans is the Nanog, a chip that, once implanted in the body is able to increase the skills and transform their bodies into lethal weapons. After this short story that includes all the cliches of cyberpunk genre we are catapulted Arcology in the city of Asgard.
The gameplay is something ingenious because it allows two different playing styles. First, after the initial pleasantries meet the other elements of the party, each will have its own particular features, and you can decide whether to play the brute force violently entering the rooms and everything and all of shaving the ground or thinking of the best tactical thinking with your brain mechanic - implanted probably by the Tyrell Corporation ndBuothz -. The game took me to a hybrid gameplay, in some cases favoring the use hourglass icon that lets you pause the game and access to inventory to equip weapons or attack with skills.

The introduction of skills, upgrade skills of implanted with Nanog, such as the increase in speed ol'invisibilità, and the number of weapons greatly enhances the style of play. The tension of the fighting, however, is dampened by two factors that made me mad, the first concerns the death of characters that does not lead to the game over - that only happens when all party members die - and the ability to save anywhere and practically at any time. I would rather have the save point and the game over more frequently, I finished the game without ever killing all the members together, Resident Evil has shown that the tension is even in the rescues. On the other hand, however, saving is extremely comfortable, the Handy have also implemented the auto-save.
During the game you can find or buy items with credits that you will make during your adventure, you will find the quest npc ready to give it more difficult to offer the best price can weapons and kit Health and planting new Nanog thanks to a doctor who will be in city. Arcology world is divided into 10 main areas which are divided into sub "hidden" areas, the playing area will be full consultation moving with the touchscreen or by using the map. Another sore point, you could put an icon in the interface areas of the map in game, instead the player will be forced to go in the inventory of one of four characters to read it.

The interface is designed to drive the 4 cyber friends on their own or for a group action, tapping the icon of the character select, hold down the tap access the menu pop up with the skills and pressing it again will select all and 4, the characters together. You can select the type of attack for each character, for example, the robot can be seen in the pictures attached with Nanog specific to embarrass the mecca filled with bullets and in the meantime. Bullets are not infinite and that is shared between all the characters.